Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Boston 2024 Update - April poll numbers

According to a new poll taken by Gravis Marketing on April 9 and 10, numbers have not moved at all for support of Boston 2024. According to the poll sample of 2,182 Massachusetts residents 37% support bringing the games to Boston and 49% do not with 14% unsure.
According to the new poll, in a question about use of taxpayer dollars to bail out the Olympics The margin is 66%-24% against using public funds.
Poll respondents support a statewide referendum on the 2024 games by a margin of 61%-23% while poll respondents do not think that the Olympics would not benefit the state by a 46%-40% margin.
Gravis Marketing is a non partisan Florida based research firm. This poll was compiled for the Howie Carr radio network.

The other poll taken by WBUR April 10-13 of 509 registered voters living in Boston area inside/along route 128 has support for a Boston games at 40% while 50% oppose. This is an improvement from March poll numbers of 36% supporting the bid while 52% oppose. In the city of Boston support is at 47% while 41% oppose. This is the first time since January more people support the games inside of the city of Boston! Also the poll indicates 90% of respondents think there will be cost overruns.

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